Neil is in the end reliable and trustworthy, but it takes a lot in order for the audience to truly get a grasp of him just based on his conniving and cunning nature. The audience is wondering if Neil is a reliable character the whole film. That’s not to say he didn’t fit the role well, but that the way he played the role is confusing for the audience to gauge. Neil is one of Pattinson’s most confusing roles as of late. As a result, this isn’t anything remarkable compared to the other things he’s worked on, but it’s still worth the mention. This contributes to his performance being lost in the complete framework of the film. He’s also disguised by a heavy beard and spectacles for the majority of the film. Throughout the majority of the film, Pattinson is unrecognizable, most displayed in shadow or lowlight. This role is a surprising one because it is a huge underplay for Pattinson. Pattinson plays a smaller role as a reformed alcoholic, Henry Costin, who is an aide to Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnman) in the adventure film.